Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lil' moments

I was making dinner last night and hadn't seen Alex for a bit. Danny was happily eating his chimichanga and corn. Still no Alex. It was time to look for him. I walked out of the kitchen and heard him in the bathroom crying. He'd shut the door and couldn't get out. The boys love to shut doors, so this was not an uncommon occurrence. The next moment was, though. I opened the door to the bathroom and banged right into an open drawer. The door would only open about an inch. Hmm, what to do. I ask Alex to shut the drawer but I was worried this phrase was not quite something he understood yet. He tried to shut the door to the bathroom. I was starting to get a bit panicky. I wanted to bash the door down. Could I get the window open? How would I get Alexander out? I was contemplating call the fire department for a few moments. All this time Tessa was trying to sweet talk Alex into shutting the drawer. He tried a few times but it must have been jammed a bit. I went and got a untensil from the kitchen and tried to slide the drawer shut with it through the crack in the door. Finally Alex got up enough gumption and shut the drawer himself. I opened the door and gave that sweet little boy a whole bunch of kisses!!! Sigh. . .

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas at the Nelson's

We had a very nice Christmas Holiday. We went to the Spanish Fork Christmas Light display with the family. It was fabulous. Afterwards we had treats and played cards.
Christmas Day the kids finally were able to drag mom and dad out of bed at 8:15AM. It was most fun to see the excitement in the kids as they opened presents.
Here are the stockings I made a few years ago. I even made one extra, but now that the twins are here, I need two more. . .
I took this picture of the puppies tonight. They are growing soo fast. We found out today that their father is 100% Alaskan Malmute. Whew! We are planning on keeping one. Choices, choices!

This is the view out back. It just keeps snowing! Beautiful, but lots to shovel.