Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cabin Days

We went up to our cabin over Spring Break. we stayed for three nights. It was so nice.
We hiked up Memorial Hill. I had the pleasure of "walking" Ginger. She would have dragged me the whole way up, but I am trying to teach her how to walk on a leash. Too bad I was so busy last year that I couldn't train her and now she is very strong. After I could breathe again, I took some pictures at the top.
Seth and Brooke and Grandma came up for a night. The next day we went on a hike down the Interlaken trail. It was a nice hike to Dutch Canyon. On the way back, Ronnie was tired and walked very slowly. Seth helped carry his load- Samuel in the back packer- and traded off with Ronnie and Alex. You are one strong brother, Seth-o.
Alex fell asleep on Michaela's shoulders. . . Paul and the kids attempted to ambush us, but they forgot to wear camouflage as their movements were easily spotted. We took the short cut having exhausted our strength carrying little ones. Maybe next time.

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Fun! Fun! Fun!

This video is yum! I am enjoying these boys so much. The interaction I get to observe with two babies is so fascinating. It makes up for the times when they both are tired, crying and want their mommy, who only has two arms (that get tired).

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ridin' the Ponies

It has been a long time since we have all gotten up o the horses because of the babies and a long winter. We braved the chilliness and squeezed in a ride in between conference. Michaela helped get the horse ready by grooming them and longing Romy. She did a great job with Romy's energy. These pictures were taken after she rode. She was taking care of the babies at this point.

Michaela and I took a spin around the lake. Paul and I also went out to the lake. At one point, Romy thought she knew the way home better than I and was spinning and rearing up. I convinced her I knew otherwise and we proceeded on our way. It was very nice to get to ride!

Romy has such a smooth trot, all the kids were able to sit the trot on her. I got a nice work-out running next to Romy who was a great sport about it.