Sunday, March 30, 2008


Michaela was taking care of the lil' uns while Paul and I went out for a quick bite to eat. While we were gone, she took this video. . .

Friday, March 28, 2008


Gross story alert!

proceed with caution!
On Monday night, I fell asleep with my earrings in and it wasn't until a few hours into the next day that I realized one was missing- only after I saw a back to an earring on the floor of my bedroom. I figured it was in my bed somewhere and didn't go looking for it because I got side tracked with busy life stuff. I had totally forgotten about it until last night when I was changing Daniel's poopy diaper- which was a total blow-out. Alex was fussing and climbing all over while I was trying to get Daniel un-dressed with a big poop glob on his back. It was then that I glanced into the diaper and saw something silvery. I knew in an instant what it was. I called for Paul to come help even as I am repeatedly saying "No Way!". It turns out, I was right.

Here is a nice picture of a poopified earring, etched by stomach acid. It now resembles more of a gold earring than its silver twin.

PS- I washed it quite thoroughly. I may yet wear it because of the character it possesses having endured such a rigorous journey.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Favorite recent photos

Danny and Alex pull to a stand anywhere now. They haven't quite starting cruising yet but enjoy walking when holding your hands. The lack of compliance to recent code for the balusters makes my stomach churn. Hopefully, the boys don't get too ambitious and crawl through them.

Ronnie fell asleep reading this book. He only got to the first page before succumbing to Mr. Sandman. So cute!!
This was the boys first foray into the great outdoors. They had previously been held prisoners in their parents arms or the stroller. Unfortunately, this is bad news for their pant legs. Many a hole will begin to appear. (Danny already ruined the socks he had been wearing) btw- Danny is in the blue.
Tessa is playing with Maddie. I think she wants to hold her like she does the boys but Maddie is a bit more independent now. Paul was really enjoying snuggling with Daniel. He held him for a while after he had fallen asleep.
The boys love to play on the piano. They pull themselves up on the chair and then reach over to play like the big kids do.

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Michaela playin Ball

Michaela played Basketball with the rec team. Her dad coached her team to boot. She had a great time and learned much. Her team ended regular season play with a perfect record. Her team went to tournament playing teams from Spanish Fork. They ended up third place with the two Spanish Fork teams 1 & 2 (They had a 6' 2" girl on the #2 team!!).

Here she is getting a pass and makes the shot right afterwards.

Here she is shooting a foul shot.
Michaela trying for a rebound. These pictures are from a church ball game. Michaela played a whole bunch of games in two weeks juggling church ball and rec ball.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Pay It Forward

I am unabashedly plagiarizing my sis-in-laws post about this (well, maybe quotations will make it OK and I'll just look lazy):

"You all know the concept behind “Pay it forward”, right? My [sister-in-law Lauren] had this on her blog and it's already been paid forward a bunch of times. I don’t know where it started, but I wanted to be a part of it. What you do is pay it forward with other fellow bloggers. I will send a gift to the first three people who add a comment and want to participate- then those three people have to send a gift to three more people. Make sense? The gift can be anything from a couple recipes compiled to a handmade craft, or even a sweet treat. You really can do anything as long as it fits in the mail. Then if you participate, you have to put it on your blog and try to get three others to pay it forward. Would you like to try it??

P.S. I already got my gift and I love it!"

So, any takers??