Thursday, January 24, 2008

Poppin' cheerios

Watch the bouncing cheerios. Victory at last! BTW this one is Alex.

Danny attempting to crawl

This is Daniel's crawling debut. From this time forward he is only getting better- watch out!!
This video clip is a crack up. Watch closely about half-way through to what Daniel does to Alex. Heh, he must be trying to get Alex crawling as well.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Week-end at the Cabin

This past week-end we went up to Midway to hang at our cabin. Now before any of you go "Wow!" or "No Way!" or whichever exclamation you prefer, I figure it is our one chance to enjoy it before it gets foreclosed on (this is my doomsday fear coming out- the reality is this was a fixer upper that took too long and perchance we will have the luck of getting it refi'ed before it's too late . . . anywho)

We packed up our things and headed out. Since the electrician still hadn't hooked up the stove, we decided to cook hot dogs over the fire. We played games, read "Candy Shop War," and ate food. Alice gave a nice update on the play-off games. We snuggled up in sleeping bags and went to sleep. After a semi-long night of babies waking up and Ronnie screaming for an hour, we woke up the next morning to around 8-10 inches of snow. We were essentially snowed in. The drive way up to the cabin is steep and long. Mucho shoveling was in store.

Paul and the kids climbed up behind the cabin and went sledding while I played with the boys. We ate yummy stew for lunch and while the boys slept, I shoveled the drive- I about passed out from heat stroke. Paul called up a buddy and went to buy more food. When he got back, the shoveling was completed with Trey's help. While they were shoveling, two elk climbed past on the ridge above the cabin. I took the picture as I looked out the cabin window.

We ate dinner and had FHE. I slept beter knowing the drive was cleared and wished our van had 4-wheel drive. The next day was school but alas the kids would miss that. The weather was looking better as well.

The next morning the kids enjoyed fruity pebbles and I was happy that I had slept better. We read some more "Candy Shop War" and packed up. We drove to the sledding spot and enjoyed two hours of fun. I went down the hill a few times and wished heartily that my body was still young and flexible. Ginger enjoyed playing with Isaac's ball until she started to chase cars- back to the kennel she went. It started to snow again as we drove home.
Ours is the brown cabin on the hill- if you know of anyone who is interested. . . it's really cute.

Twenty or so head of black tail deer hung out on the hill for awhile.

PS- the chickys are laying eggs now!!

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bath-time Duo

Since the boys are now sitting rather well, I decided to give them a bath together. They are so cute. They also had an audience- Tess, Ronnie and Isaac. I had to fend off Ronnie and Tess who wanted to jump in with the boys. We all got wet!