Thursday, November 8, 2007

All about Daniel- WARNING: graphic photos!

This photo was taken at the office visit 5 weeks before surgery.
The red "X" was my mark. The doctor put on the purple dash and then drew in the eyelid crease and dashed around the cyst.
The doctor had to scrape the tissue around the cyst to get it out. It was pertinant not to tear the cyst as those cells would cause scar tissue.
This picture shows the cyst attached to a stalk of vessels. The other half of the cyst was behind this through the bone. The picture below shows Daniel's eye one week later. It is soo amazing how fast little ones heal!
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Sarah said...

Wow! That is amazing! Yup--that looks like "a mentos on steroids!" Yikes! He looks great!

Lauren said...

Whoooo, that was a little squeamish. :) But so interesting! Thanks for sharing and I'm glad he's healing quickly.