Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had an enjoyable Holiday time, relaxing from school, work and the regular routine. Paul and I went to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert with Natalie Cole as guest singer. Mike and Lauren came with us (after a practice run the week before-lol). It was beautiful!
We were able to walk through Temple square and see the lights.

We enjoyed our ward Christmas party and Danny proved to be the bravest in the family going to sit on Santa's lap.
We made Christmas cookies for the neighbors and decorated a gingerbread house. Paul took the kids to a movie. The kids enjoyed bonding together as I finished up the shopping. We had a great Christmas Eve get-together at Mike and Lauren's. We ate yummy food, opened some presents and enjoyed a rendition of the Christmas story by all the little ones. Too bad Paul missed that, as he was rounding up our lost dogs from the police station:/
We had a nice Christmas morning, opening gifts and eating some tasty sausage casserole and buttermilk pancakes. Later that day, all of the family came for dinner. More good food!! Danny popping in a DVD!

Finally to conclude the wonderful Holidays, we had everyone over for New Year's Eve where we played fun games, laugh to Brian Regen and you guessed it. . .ate more yummy food! We yelled in the new year and sang a beautiful version of Happy Birthday to my sis, Rebecca. Good times!

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