Wednesday, September 10, 2008


After leaving a message at the Bus Shop and talking to the bus driver, it turns out Tessa's stop is now permanent (the stop closest to our house) and she can now walk home from the bus without me having to go outside to wave at the bus driver to let her know I am home. Soooo, Tessa's ordeal was just a character building experience.
I just have to say I really have been spoiled by fast internet. Our current internet access, Paul's cell, only gives us 230 K, so I feel like I am in the dark ages. I spend so much time trying to upload pictures on KSL to try and sell stuff that I can not even fathom the time and frustration it would take to upload pictures on this blog. So pictures will still have to wait, even though I have a few gems I want to post. Like the little boys new hair cuts. Think Ronnie and you know what they look like. And then there were some deer in the backyard, a mother doe and her TWINS. And also a beautiful double rainbow on the face of Mt Loafer. The picture didn't turn out as well as I thought because Ronnie likes to leave smudges on my camera lens after he steals a few shots. *sigh*
We are looking at different options for cell and internet options. If anyone has any good ideas please post. Which cell service is the best, cheapest, etc?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Today's stream of conscience

Kinda funny: The picture at the top of this blog is a view of Mt Loafer from my favorite campground, BlackHawk up the Nebo loop. We now live on the other side of that same mountain and get to see its beautiful majestic face every day.

Since we live up on the side of this hill, we have the pleasure of rubbing shoulders with many deer (who love our peaches) and I hear there are mountain lions that roam the streets every so often. At least in the winter, their tracks are seen. Hmmmmmm. I've traded a busy road for stealthy kitty's on steroids. Time to break out the air rifle.

Sadly, we had a death today. A beautiful limish green bird flew into our living room window this morning. Thwank. It made the glass vibrate and startled Bryce. Poor little bird.

Tessa was taken back to school after the bus driver waited for an adult to come out of the house and, well, that adult was late. Sadly, the adult did not hear the air horn 100 yards away because the sound was muffled by distance, brick, insulation, sheet rock and paint (and a couple of yaking kiddos and a radio). Consequently, Tess had to endure the 15 min bus ride back to school and had to wait in the front office until said adult realized after waiting 15 minutes outside on the driveway with 3 other little munchies, that the bus was a no show and she should go call someone. Disconnecting the home phone because we have no internet didn't help the communicado either or leaving the cell phone inside, or waiting so long for the bus to arrive when it was already gone. Now you have to realize that said adult has already endured quite an arsenal of late buses in her resume of life so. . .cut me some slack:P
Tess was a bit weepy but bounced back by the time we got home. Aunty Sar and Daddio got some phone calls that gave a nice jolt of worry. But all is now well. . .except that the bus driver now wants to change the bus stop back over a few streets- 3 times as far. Oh yay! Now said frazzled adult now has to load up 3 other little munchies and drive to the bus stop. *pulls hair out* Didn't I already have to deal with this last year?!?!?!?!?

Ok I am good now.