Have you ever felt like you are floating? That's how I felt after riding Romy bareback. I don't remember the last time I did this with her. Since I have been so busy and the thought of expending energy to rastle another being has been so intimidating, I haven't ridden my horses but three times this year. Awful!
Having a bit of motivation (Rebecca's Laurels coming to ride tonight), I went out this morning to draw a bit of excess energy out of the horse's systems. I had forgotten the halters up in the van (see next story) so I grabbed Shadow's bridle, the longe line and the longe whip. I proceeded to catch Shadow, whilst the baby curiously investigated the goings on. After he was listening satisfactorily, I told Trey to get up top and gave him a mini lesson. He even trotted bareback! What a great job Trey and Shadow did.
Sooo, then I told Trey to give me a leg up and I proceeded to ride. Well. What a stinker horse he can be. He wanted no part of riding. Just give him food up to his belly and he is a happy camper. He tried to rear!!! Since I didn't have a saddle on there was no way I was getting in a fight, so I asked him a few more things, not pushing him too much and calmly got off. (meanwhile, Romy and Junior are tearing around the pasture) I figured there was no hope catching Romy, but they all settled down and I caught her easily at the gate.
I bridled Romy with Shadow's gear~thanks chum~ and proceeded to work Romy. She listened right from the start and I tried to get some walk to canter to walk transitions. She did fairly well for never really doing those. Then I bravly got on top. She was wonderful. Even when Comet kept whinnying at her. We did circles to the left and right at the walk and trot with good connection and giving. Her trot is seriously heaven.
So now I am floating from exhilaration at accomplishing a good ride and expending positive energy. I need to remember the good feelings I get from this type of work-out!
On to story number two: So last night, six horses escaped from their pens onto the highway. On this hwy, people drive 60 mph. I have nightmares of my horses escaping onto this roadway. Since we have lived here two years a horse has been hit by a car. So as I was driving Michaela to a meeting I saw these horses running down the road.
After I dropped her off, I drove back home and checked the escapees location. They were still on the loose closer to my home now. I grabbed my halters and drove back toward them and by now they were in the neighbors yard. A man stopped and helped catch these rogues. There was a sad looking, ribby mare with a foal on her side which we caught first pretty easily. The others tore deeper into the property. We slowly worked our way over to them. They pranced merrily back toward the road but luckily there were two guys that blocked their way with some mechanical Mules.
We secured them with a belt, bungee cord and the rest of my halter and ropes. We paraded back down the highway to their home. I prayed that the baby didn't skitter out into the oncoming traffic. After we figured out who went where, they were placed back into their haphazard pens. I hope this doesn't happen again, a least not for a while. But I can only hope as the owners didn't seem to worried. . .
1 comment:
Way to go!!! There's nothing like riding well bareback to feel great! If her trot is like Cricket's, I could ride that all day! I lost the sheet with all your contact info, sorry! Thanks for saying I could come by... Ihavn't called cause of the kiddos schedule... you know it gets crazy!
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