Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Three day week-end

We had the pleasure of a few family members at the cabin this week-end. It was much fun! The Doddy's spent 2 nights with us there. We had great fun eating food, playing games and playing in the snow.
I will relate a story: On Monday, we rented two snowmobiles. Paul, Jared and the older boys went over to Strawberry to sled. The rest of us held down the fort. After lunch, the rest of us headed over there as well. The Dod's went home and the rest of my kiddo's (except the babies) took turns on the snowmobiles. We had a great time. There was a big hill that we would go up to the top of, turn around and go back. It was quite steep. Finally it was time to wrap up as it was getting late (around 5:00). I wanted to go one more time and I took Mic on the back with me and Paul followed with Bryce on back. Trey stayed to watch the kids. Paul told me to go on the Ava something or other trail, so I headed out figuring it would loop around eventually. I averaged about 35 mph. When we had gone about 7 or 8 minutes, I stopped because Mic wanted me to. Paul came up behind and told me we should turn around. The trail was probably too long and the eventual end was much past our time frame. The snowmobile Paul had been on was running low on oil and he wanted me to drive it and he would follow. When I turned it on, there was no power. The drive track had seized-yikes! He decided to stay there and I took Bryce and Mic back to the truck to get some rope to pull the other sled. Mic was not happy with my speed, I was trying to get back to my sweetie before the sun went down. I zipped back to Paul and we managed to pull the sled back to our truck, after climbing some big slopes and almost tipping over. The sun was just setting and it was getting cold. Only one other family was left and we asked the dad to help us. He was very helpful getting the busted sled onto the trailer. We drove back to Midway breathing out relief and gratitudes to our Maker. The Lord always seems to pull us out of crunches.

There must be something in the air up in Midway because Danny started to crawl the last time we were there and this time Alex figured out how to crawl. Sadly, as of today they have both fallen down the stairs. Nothing like having siblings that remove barricades in front of the stairs.


Lauren said...

Look at those crawlin boys! That's awesome!

What a story... glad you guys made it home safe. Mic seems to have a good sense of danger!

Annaliese said...

Sounds like quite the exciting weekend. I can't believe how big the twins are now!