Well, we made it through another move.
And I sure hope it's a LONG time before we need to move again.
There are boxes everywhere. Never do I realize how much garbage I keep but when its moving time. Yes, moving is great because you can dejunkify and organize but there is still too much stuff: Easter baskets, scrapbooks, halloween costumes, books, more books and yet even more books, boxes of clothes 5 sizes too big for the next available kid, but I can't get rid of it cause she might just use the stuff. . .how about all the computer parts. . .camping gear used once a year. . .food storage !!!
I suppose the best way to get rid off stuff is do what the pioneers did and have a weight allowance on the wagons- time to move to Jackson County!
I am soo grateful for my brothers- both blood and in-laws. We really couldn't have made it without those guys with the big guns. We sure love ya!
Time to go get the much anticipated library card-yipppeeee
I brought the dogs to the new home yesterday. We will be keeping them in the back portion of the lot here where it slopes upward to the highway. The backyard is completely fenced in but in order to keep the lawn nice we will be putting in a fence to keep the dogs off of it.
The sprinklers have been running everyday, so the grass is a bit mushy and has little puddles in which the wasps come to drink. Danny and Alex were out back with Michaela and Trey who were playing with the dogs. Not too much later, Michaela brings Danny in with three wasps stings. Out comes the baking soda. . .
Later, after playing a game of "Fox and the pies" I go to tie up Ginger and Alex who was following me gets stung about 5 times by a ground dwelling bumblebee looking thing. More baking soda. . .
I might be needing some epi-pens as the future looks full of baking soda poultices.
Pictures will be coming soon- when I find the box I tossed it in. . .sigh