Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rainy day at the Zoo

A few weeks ago, the kids had no school so we decided to head up to SLC. There was a break in the clouds and we quickly made our way to the zoo to use up our year pass. Seth and Brooke (8.5+ months pregnant) met us there. We saw the white alligator which is one of about 15 in captivity from the same clutch. Since these abberations are not natural, they will not be bred.
The rain started to pour down right as we walked through the gate to leave. Seth and I ran with an umbrella to get the van-I still got SOAKED!
Michaela pushed Tess and Ronnie all over the zoo. They are checking out some monkeys here.
Bryce just needs to grow longer arms-lol.
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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Michaela!

Michaela turned 13 today. 'Tis utterly amazing to have a certified teenager. We had a great time with Paul's aunt Julia, Diane and Ryan and Grandma Andrews.
Some photos were taken of the kiddos after church today. I thought these two pictures were especially sweet.

First snowfall

We woke up this morning to 3 inches of snow. The kids were busily attiring themselves in warm, fluffy winter wear in order to taste the first bit of snow- for some- literally. Yes, it is a few weeks early, but it has been fun to play in before it melts.