This will be stream of conscience blogging. . . read at your own risk.
Alex and Danny had the Welcome Baby nurse come again to help with their development. Alex weighs 12 lbs 10 oz
and Danny weighs 13 lbs 12oz. (i was squeezing them into the last of the size one diapers!)
They are doing well socially- smiling and cooing a lot. They love people and don't like being left alone on their backs looking at the ceiling. They already want to be where the action is sitting on someone lap! They are tracking well when they look at people's faces but still aren't interested in toys. I can tell that they can see me from across the room and they calm to the sound of my voice. They react when they hear sounds and changes in light. They are starting to grasp and suck on their hands. They need more help with strengthening their neck muscles which means tummy time. Alex seemed to do better when I lifted up his head- I am not sure he knows he can use those muscles. Danny does a little better. They are eating very well and sleep regularly from 10:30 PM until 5:30ish in the morning.
Of course I do not go to sleep then because I need to get a little free time then.
Ronnie had a intestinal bug so he was waking up crying three nights in a row. . . ack- not good. I still haven't caught back up yet. Ronnie is saying more words. He still uses more grunting and pointing and one word sentences for the most part.
He went to the doctor and got some shots. The nurse said to watch the juices and milk because he is in the 75th percentile for the BMI. Well, first of all I think this is a joke because he needs a little buffer just in case he has his stomach bugs and loses weight ( which he just had happen, again!!!!) and Ronnie is not chunky anyways for his age!?!
Tess and Isaac went for a checkup also. I told them they wouldn't need shots (they were leary about going). Turns out they both got shots after all! I felt awful. There is a new requirement to get 2 Varicella shots now. Tess on the other hand was fine on the BMI (Its my opine that she's a little waif- we even have a song that we sing about Tessa Lou, who knew how she grew? She doesn't eat much. (she must be sneaking it under the table)
Tess is growing up. She loves to kiss the babies and hold them and touch them and tickle them and talk to them right up close to their faces. They don't always appreciate her attention. She likes to ride her new bike and color, color, color.
Isaac is excited for Kindergarten to start. He is the first one to finish his jobs everyday. He also likes playing on the computer again. The kids get 2 hours on the computer or 2 hours on the TV or one of each after they have their jobs done by 12PM. They are all doing an awesome job filling in their job charts.
Isaac is loving his new bike riding ability and we have gone biking around Springlake. He also dirt bikes through the pastures. I have changed two flat tires and put a chain back on.
Bryce is cruising through his Wolf requirements and pretty much only has ones left he needs to do with his den.
Bryce is enjoying the outdoors, jogging around the lake and pasture, riding his bike, playing with Ginger. He is taking piano lessons with Grandma now.
Trey and Michaela found a baby bird at the Springville track. It seemed to have no mother. . .so they brought it home and tried to feed it. It stayed alive for a few days and then it couldn't handle the loving anymore.
Trey is now a Tenderfoot scout. He just finished all that he needs for Faith in God (except talk to Deacons leader) yesterday. He loves his baby brothers and is a great helper. He is great with computers, fixing up the network when needed. He is making some new Age of Mythology maps and likes to play Higher Ground with me. Oh and he read the Harry Potter book in two days and has been reading the Shannara series.
Michaela had a great time at Girls Camp. They went to a campground up Spanish Fork Canyon. Paul went one night to keep the bears away. She and Paul are going to get some moles removed in a couple weeks. Michaela is doing well on the flute getting a nice sound. She and Trey are getting lessons from Grammy too. Mic just purchased an ant farm. She can't wait to get some black and red ants and see how they interact.
Stop reading! Stop now! Our life is too boring to be of any interest to you. Go read someone else's blog.
I am sooo loving our new dog. She is very sweet and licks you to death. We finished stringing the electric fence through the orchard so the horses can eat that grass down. Shadow and the colt were racing around the orchard running up and down the hill down into the barn area. I think he was just enjoying himself. The colt must be making him feel young again.
We still have two kitty's left. We may have to turn them into mouser's. We are going to order chicks in the next couple days. This should add some excitement back into our lives. Okay, you can still read more if you think that is interesting :P.
We are finally getting our yard green again except there is a bunch of crabgrass everywhere. I am really wishing I had done a garden this year, but we have some fruit: plums, peaches and lots of apples. We just have to pick through the worm holes.
That should about make up for not posting much lately. Remember, I told you not to read this boring stuff.
Alex and Danny had the Welcome Baby nurse come again to help with their development. Alex weighs 12 lbs 10 oz

Of course I do not go to sleep then because I need to get a little free time then.
Ronnie had a intestinal bug so he was waking up crying three nights in a row. . . ack- not good. I still haven't caught back up yet. Ronnie is saying more words. He still uses more grunting and pointing and one word sentences for the most part.

Tess and Isaac went for a checkup also. I told them they wouldn't need shots (they were leary about going). Turns out they both got shots after all! I felt awful. There is a new requirement to get 2 Varicella shots now. Tess on the other hand was fine on the BMI (Its my opine that she's a little waif- we even have a song that we sing about Tessa Lou, who knew how she grew? She doesn't eat much. (she must be sneaking it under the table)

Isaac is excited for Kindergarten to start. He is the first one to finish his jobs everyday. He also likes playing on the computer again. The kids get 2 hours on the computer or 2 hours on the TV or one of each after they have their jobs done by 12PM. They are all doing an awesome job filling in their job charts.

Bryce is cruising through his Wolf requirements and pretty much only has ones left he needs to do with his den.

Trey and Michaela found a baby bird at the Springville track. It seemed to have no mother. . .so they brought it home and tried to feed it. It stayed alive for a few days and then it couldn't handle the loving anymore.

Michaela had a great time at Girls Camp. They went to a campground up Spanish Fork Canyon. Paul went one night to keep the bears away. She and Paul are going to get some moles removed in a couple weeks. Michaela is doing well on the flute getting a nice sound. She and Trey are getting lessons from Grammy too. Mic just purchased an ant farm. She can't wait to get some black and red ants and see how they interact.
Stop reading! Stop now! Our life is too boring to be of any interest to you. Go read someone else's blog.

I am sooo loving our new dog. She is very sweet and licks you to death. We finished stringing the electric fence through the orchard so the horses can eat that grass down. Shadow and the colt were racing around the orchard running up and down the hill down into the barn area. I think he was just enjoying himself. The colt must be making him feel young again.

We are finally getting our yard green again except there is a bunch of crabgrass everywhere. I am really wishing I had done a garden this year, but we have some fruit: plums, peaches and lots of apples. We just have to pick through the worm holes.
That should about make up for not posting much lately. Remember, I told you not to read this boring stuff.