Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hmmm- de ja vu!!!

Isaac must be teaching his little brother his special tricks. Who can get mad at such a cute kid, though?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Twin's

Danny and Alex
The boys are starting to sleep longer at night, about 12 AM until 4:30 AM. When They do that, I fl like a new woman! Last week I had a nice fiesta during my mastitis. Twas wonderful. I recommend it for all woman!
Alex weighs 9 lb 14 oz and Danny comes in at a whoopin' 10 lbs 8 oz. They will see the Doc on Tuesday. Hopefully, we can send the oxygen packin and I guess the monitors as well.

I don't have a picture to show, but Trey earned his Tenderfoot rank in Scouts. I am so happy that I finally finished sewing on his patches. He finally knows what troop he's in after only a YEAR!!! Bryce will be getting his Bobcat and we are furiously working on his Wolf.

Comet is getting bigger. He leads fairly well and is working on allowing one to pick up his hooves. He LOVES being scratched and pet. It's fun to see him running around the pasture, whinnying and sleeping sacked out on the ground.

The kittens are getting huge. They are climbing out of the basket. They wrestle and stalk each other.

Michaela, Trey, Bryce and Isaac participated in a track meet on Saturday. Trey got 1st in the 800 meter and Bryce got first in the 400 meter. Michaela's foot was bothering her and Isaac actually participates now- woot!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Home for a month

Well, the lil' biskey's have been home for a month. It is incredible how time has flown by. The boys were sweet enough to pull another 6 hour stretch at night. Too bad I missed two hours of that sleep because I wanted some "me" time. Anywho. . . the nurse came today. Danny weighs 10 lbs even and Alex weighs 9 lbs 11 oz. Yesterday when I was carrying them both, I was thinking about how heavy they are starting to get. I better start lifting weights, oh wait, I already do. . .

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Ronnie learns a bit about physics

All I can say is that there is some kind of magnetic quality between boys and water. This is the result of dropping big rocks into a puddle of muddy water. . . gotta love it!

Ronnie loves Uncle John. Here they are sweet talking with Shadow- Shadow just wants a treat.

And to top it off, I threw in a picture of Romy and Comet:)

Alex and Danny

Hmm, maybe I shouldn't put this shirt on him. . .
This is Daniel. Something about the tongue looks a little bit too familiar. . .


Well, the boys continue to put on weight. Alex is 9 lbs 4 oz and Danny is 9 lbs 8 oz. They are really holding their heads up well. They enjoy being with the family. Amazingly enough, they slept over 6 hours last night. I actually got a decent bit of sleep. They are sooo yummy.

More about the Kittens

The kittens eyes are now open. They are starting to play with each other and they seem to hear and look at us. They still sleep quite a bit. Nutmeg seems to need time away from them also. She will lay down outside of the basket and watch over them.